Release 11.0 - 230921.11.0
This release introduces a new publishing workflow as well as improvements to our versioning system.
Publishing Workflow
We've introduced new tools to help teams make draft changes to an object's metadata, view the changes and ultimately publish them.
A new draft
argument on update mutations creates a new version and sets the version as draft and the new x-draft
header allows users with relevant permission to view the draft versions. The draft retrieved using x-draft
will consist of the most recent version and any subsequent updates will update that draft.
Once the changes are ready to be published, the draft version can be published using the version rolling back/forward functionality documented here.
For example, this request will create a new version of the movie but because the draft argument has been supplied, that new version will not be published.
mutation {
draft: true,
uid: "01HAR9ZTNR1S42P0XE2KJ92411",
movie: {
title: "An updated title",
year_of_release: 2023
}) {
I can then retrieve the movie using the getMovie
query as normal but passing the x-draft
header will show the new draft version.
query {
getMovie(uid: "01HAR9ZTNR1S42P0XE2KJ92411") {
"x-draft": true
The x-draft header works in all queries, including while fetching relationships and set content, with the exception of search as only published objects are indexed.
See here for more information on versioning, including how to view version history and fetching specific versions.
- Fixed an issue where version numbers never went higher than 10
- Fixed an issue where deleting an availability rule may not update the search index
- Fixed an error that was being thrown when entering a "falsey" timezone, such as an empty string