Delete Objects


Deleting objects is handled by the delete<Object Name> mutation. For example: deleteEpisode.

As well as deleting entire objects, you can also delete different parts of an object, specifically:

  • A language
  • A specific language version
  • A specific global version

The delete episode query returns a array of object deletion objects:

    "uid" # The affected UID
    "language" # The affected language
    "language_version" # The deleted language version
    "global_version" # The deleted global version
    "messages" # Any additional message

For each object in the array:

  • If the language attribute is returned and the language_version is null then the entire language has been deleted

  • If the language attribute and language_version attribute is returned then a specific language version has been deleted

  • If the global_version attribute is returned then a specific global version has been deleted

Delete Entire Object

By passing the UID as the only argument the entire object with all its languages, versions and field config will be deleted.

mutation deleteEpisode {
  deleteEpisode(uid: "4220f2b2-db6c-4c26-b870-204066bf534a") {


    "uid": "4220f2b2-db6c-4c26-b870-204066bf534a"

Batch Deleting Many Objects

You can delete up to 100 objects or translations in a single request using the batchDeleteObjects mutation.

All batch deleting is done via background tasks, and the response of the mutation is just the background task ID Because of this, after the request has been made, the deletes will take some time to finish processing.


Exceptions during batch delete

If any exceptions are thrown during a batch delete, for example if the UID or language can't be found, that object in the batch will be ignored and the other objects will continue to be processed.

An exception message will be sent to the task messages.

See here on how to view task messages.

This request will delete 3 entire objects:

mutation {
  batchDeleteObjects(objects: [
      uid: "01HEAMD69Q4A0B8KDA9V2D67KA"
      uid: "01HEAKASKWVE766NPX1B0PD8RD"
      uid: "01HEAK9MC0QJ1DY83ZSET1D26M"
  ]) {

It's also possible to delete a translation as part of a batch delete mutation. This example deletes both the French and German translation of the same object:

mutation {
  batchDeleteObjects(objects: [
      uid: "01HEAMD69Q4A0B8KDA9V2D67KA"
      uid: "01HEAKASKWVE766NPX1B0PD8RD",
      language: "fr-FR"
      uid: "01HEAKASKWVE766NPX1B0PD8RD",
      language: "de-DE"
  ]) {

Unlike a normal delete request, if the language attempting to be deleted is the only language, the entire object will be deleted.