Unlink Objects

The unlink option allows you to remove relationships.

In the “parent” input object (whether in a createObject or updateObject mutation) A relationships field should be available where the object has relationships defined to other objects. This object will include an unlink argument which defines a list of objects to remove relationships.

The body of the unlink field can be either a single UID or External ID or an array of UIDs or external IDs (or a mix of both) to link multiple objects.

Unlink Single Object

mutation updateSeason {
  updateSeason(uid: "<season UID>", season: {
      relationships: {
        episodes: {
          unlink: "<episode UID>"
    episodes {

Unlink Multiple Objects

mutation updateSeason {
  updateSeason(uid: "<season UID>", season: {
      relationships: {
        episodes: {
          unlink: ["<episode External ID>", "<another episode UID>"]
    episodes {